Damh the Bard: “This is a retelling of the First Branch of Y Mabinogi, the first of four albums that will tell The Four Branches.
First written down in the Middle Ages by Christian Monks, and first translated into the English language by Lady Charlotte Guest in the mid 1800s, these tales are a part of the Matter of Britain itself.
Although I have added dramatic decoration to the translation, these additions are based on current academic research, and I have remained faithful to the original tale throughout. When you listen for the first time, try to find some time for yourself and listen to the double album in its entirety. Let me take you on a journey, a magical journey of the Otherworld, of ancient Gods, of demon claws, of the Fearie Folk, and Pagan Lore.”
Main Office for Orders:
T: 02920 850501
@ Spirit of the Green Man Studio, Tintern. NP166SE. Tel 01291 689530. Shut Mondays & Tuesdays.
On Facebook: Search under “Spirit of the Green Man Studio at Tintern” or click here