Kathleen Minton at work at the Spirit of the Green Man Studio
preparing one of her hand made marble mix Sculptures.
(Waterwheel behind the window!!).
Kathleen has worked in different forms of art over the years.
When she had a family decided to form “Spirit of the Green Man”
as a business. This has been running for a number of years.
Kathleen gains inspiration from the wild Welsh landscape
and the folk tales of the our ancient ancestors.
I do hope you enjoy viewing my range of Green Man
and Hare Sculptures, the majority of which I hand make in my Studio.
They are made from a special Marble based mixture
which we have found to be very durable and frost resistant.
We also have a wonderful selection of crafted Jewellery as well as a range of quality sourced gifts.
My Sculptures with love, will bring spirituality,
renewal & hope to the child of nature within us.
My shop is “The Spirit of the Green Man Studio” at
Abbey Mill, Tintern. NP16 6SE.
Tel: 01291 689501.
Please join My Facebook Page – If you are interested in Environmental matters and
the Green Man please join us.
If I can be of assistance feel free to call
on tel: 029 20 850501.
1000hrs to 1600hrs daily.
Orders can be taken over the telephone
on the above number.
“Come sit a while, enjoy our faces, for while
you are here our heart embraces”
Here is a GREEN MAN VIDEO our Green Man illustrating some of Sculptures to music.