Goddess on Mobile!

Goddess on Mobile!

goddess using mobile

Goddess using Mobile Phone Print!

 Please forgive our little lapse into humour here,
but we wondered if a pagan goddess of our ancestors
would make use of our modern devices of
today if given the chance, would they even need to?
This goddess does not look very happy at being
disturbed whilst sending a text!

12 x 12″ High Quality Card Mounted Print.
Larger prints can be supplies by arrangement.

Also available as a special order at larger sizes,
please contact us for more information.

Signed Print.

@ Copyright Spirit of the Green Man

Acid Design Number: D14768-11088-3469245





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Main Office for Orders:
T: 02920 850501

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@ Spirit of the Green Man Studio, Tintern. NP166SE. Tel 01291 689530. Shut Mondays & Tuesdays.

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On Facebook: Search under “Spirit of the Green Man Studio at Tintern” or click here